Mr Nandkishor Kagliwal, noted industrialist, educationist and thought leader elected as Chairman of Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO), Western Region.
FIEO is an apex body of exporters under the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. FIEO also has all export promotion council and export promotion boards as members affiliated to it.
Congratulation to Our Hon. MD Shri Satishji Kagliwal on being elected as the President of Seed Industries Association of Maharashtra (SIAM)
Nath Bio-Genes introduces 2 new cotton hybrid seed products in the Indian market: Sanket and Daksh. These promising new varieties have been developed over 5 years of extensive research and biotech interventions. They have been evaluated by conducting field trials across different geographic and climatic conditions in Central and South India.
Nath Bio-Genes (India) Ltd. engages in the production and marketing of seeds. The company offers categories of seeds including cereals, fiber and oilseeds, nutritional supplements, and vegetables. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Aurangabad, India.
Nath Group has been in the forefront of improving livelihood of farmers. Nath Seeds Ltd, an intensely research driven seed company, is producing quality seeds, actively supporting farmers to improve their productivity. Paithan Mega Food Park Pvt Ltd, promoted by Nath Group, undertakes processing of farm produce to ensure that farmers get not only more yields, but better prices and higher profits.
Nath Bio-Genes has been actively pursuing research in vegetables. It is a very proud moment for our scientist team that they have delivered products that are better than the products of some of the leading Multinational Companies, who enjoy a dominant position in vegetable seeds. Nath Bio-Genes (India) Limited is focusing on Okra, Tomato, Chilli, and Gourds, where we are confident of our product strength. We want the farmers to get the fruits of our painstakingly long research and want to reach out to every possible vegetable farmer” Mr. Satish Kagliwal, Managing Director, Nath Bio-Genes (India) Limited.
आपुलकी प्रीमियर लीग या क्रिकेटच्या पंधराव्या पर्वाला आज सुरवात झाली,
ब्लॅक चीतास, व्हाईट टायगर्स, सिल्वर लियोपाडॅस, गोल्डन लायन्स, या चार गटामध्ये हा सामना झाला.
नाथ मुख्यालय में 76 वे गणतंत्र दिवस का जश्न मनाया गया,
मुख्य समारोह कर्तव्य पर हरिषजी पांडे (Country Head-Sales & Marketing) इन्होने ध्वजारोहण किया.
Shri Nandkishor Ji Kagliwal Speech At The Inauguration Of The 10th AIFF Ajanta Ellora Film Festival.
लोकमत चा 43 वा वर्धापन दिन उत्साहात
शून्यातून विश्व निर्माण करणाऱ्या उद्योजकांचा हृदय सन्मान
लोकमतच्या ४३ व्या वर्धापनदिनानिमित्त उद्योग क्षेत्रातील भरीव योगदानाबद्दल नाथ ग्रुपचे चेअरमन श्री नंदकिशोर कागलीवाल व संचालक आकाश कागलीवाल यांना राजस्थानचे महामहिम राज्यपाल श्री हरिभाऊ बागडे यांच्या हस्ते उद्योगभूषण पुरस्काराने सन्मानित करण्यात आले.
फिओ अन् सीएमआयएतर्फे निर्यात उद्योग परिषदेत,
फेडरेशन ऑफ एक्सपोर्ट असोसिएशन (फिओ) संस्थेचे व्यवस्थापकीय समिती सदस्य आणि नाथ ग्रुपचे संस्थापक अध्यक्ष उद्योजक नंदकिशोर कागलीवाल यांनी मत व्यक्त केले.
नाथ ग्रुप आणि सारा बिल्डर्सचा प्रोजेक्ट 'द सोलिटेअर' ला उत्स्फूर्त प्रतिसाद.
आज रीइग्नाइट प्रोग्रॅम का आयोजन किया गया, इस समय माननीय एमडी सतीशजी कागलीवाल सर, संतोष जोशी सर आदी मान्यवर के हस्ते दीप प्रज्वलन किया.
Our new product win-chi-win cotton special was launched by Nath Group business partners in THAILAND
Chairman of Nath Group Mr. Nandkishor Kagliwal appointed honorary consul of Tunisia in India
प्राकृतिक कृषी के प्रचारक और विस्तारक गुजरात के राज्यपाल आचार्य देवव्रत ने लोकमत समूह के संपादको के साथ कृषी विशेषतज्ञ और उद्यमी नंदकिशोर कागलीवाल के नेतृत्व में विशेष बातचीत की!
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रविवार 23 जून रोजी येथील खंडेलवाल भावनात विदर्भ चेंबर ऑफ कॉमर्स अँड इंडस्ट्रीची 90 वी वार्षिक आमसभा मोठ्या उत्साहात संपन्न झाली या आमसभेत प्रमुख पाहुणे म्हणून श्री नंदकिशोर कागलीवाल सर यांनी मार्गदर्शन केले.
पुरस्कार वितरण प्रसंगी उपस्थित उद्योजक नंदकिशोर कागलीवाल सर गिरधर गोपाल मुंदडा सोबत निकेश गुप्ता व आदी मान्यवर.
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Every year on 7th September, Nath Group organizes a cultural program for the poetry lovers in Aurangabad city called ‘B. Raghunath Kavya Sandhya’. The event has been ongoing for the last three decades and is conducted to pay homage to the famous Marathi Poet (Late) Mr B. Raghunath, who belonged to this region and contributed immensely to Marathi poetry and literature.
Eminent poets from the Marathi language are invited to present their work in this program, along with a scholar of Marathi literature. These stalwarts keep the late poet’s spirit and love for the art alive through their performances.
The Aurangabad International Film Festival (AIFF) is an annual film festival held in the city of Aurangabad. The brainchild of our Chairman, it is sponsored and organized by Nath Group. The first AIFF in 2014 was organized with the objective of bringing the best in world cinema to Aurangabad.
The Festival strives to present some of the most talented filmmakers from around the world under one roof. Film enthusiasts in the city are presented with enthralling cinematic experiences that leave an impression for a lifetime. The Nath Group employees are at the center of all the action and hope to help AIFF grow from strength to strength and make this is one of the most awaited film festivals in Aurangabad.